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Ensuring the proper fit for your diamond ring is crucial for both comfort and security.  Follow these guidelines to find the ideal fit for your ring:



- Aim for a comfortable yet secure fit.  The ring should slide over your knuckle with slight resistance but feel snug on the base of your finger.



- Keep in mind that finger shape can affect the perceived fit.  For instance, wider knuckles may require a slightly larger size to accommodate both the knuckle and the base of the finger.



- Schedule a visit to a reputable jeweler for professional sizing.  Jewelers have the expertise and tools to measure your ring size accurately.  Online sizing guides are not always reliable, so it is best to visit a local jeweler for accurate sizing before ordering.


We recommend sizing down one.  Larger center stones can throw off the weight balance if the ring is too big.

We recommend to size up with stackable bands. When you have multiple bands on one finger

they can feel snug.


Caring for your diamond ring is essential to maintain its brilliance and longevity.  Follow these instructions to ensure that your precious piece remains as stunning as the day you first received it:


1. Regular Cleaning:
- Soak your diamond ring in a mixture of mild detergent and warm water.

- Use a soft brush, like a toothbrush, to gently scrub the diamond and the setting, removing any accumulated dirt or oils.

- Rinse the ring under warm running water to ensure all residue is washed away.


2. Avoid Harsh Chemicals: 

- Remove your diamond ring before engaging in household chores or using cleaning chemicals.  Harsh chemicals can damage both the metal setting and the diamond itself.  

- Avoid exposing your ring to chlorine or bleach, as these can erode the metal and affect the diamond's brilliance.


3. Safe Storage:

- When not wearing your diamond ring, store it in a fabric-lined jewelry box or a separate compartment to prevent scratches or damage.

- Consider keeping your diamond ring away from other jewelry pieces to avoid potential scratches and abrasions.


4. Gentle Handling:

- Handle your diamond ring with care to avoid unnecessary stress on the metal and potential damage to setting.

- Avoid touching the diamond with your fingers, as oils from your skin can affect its brilliance.


5. Safe Removal:

- When taking off your diamond ring, do so over a soft surface to minimize the rick of accidental damage.

- Avoid removing your ring in public places where it might be easily misplaced.


By following these care instructions, you can ensure that your diamond ring remains a dazzling symbol of enduring beauty for years to come.

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